Circumcision is an elective procedure. It is your choice to have your son undertake this procedure. We provide this procedure such as to minimize discomfort for the boys, whose parents have chosen to have circumcision done. The anaesthesia involves a topical anaesthetic cream for 1-2 hours, followed by a nerve block by injection of lidocaine and use of a 24 % sucrose solution, demonstrated to release natural endorphins at this age. Plan to be in our office for 3 hours. Arrive at 9 o'clock promptly to ensure that your time slot is secured. The ideal time is during the first week of life if the penile size allows; the oldest age is 1 month of age.
The immediate after care is reviewed and a handout (this can be a live link) given to you at the procedure. The penis grows into the foreskin, so the ultimate "look" can only truly known when your son reaches puberty. We charge $400.00 for circumcisions.
Thank you for choosing New Day Pediatrics
Jaleh Niazi, M.D."