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Billing notice: If you feel you have been wrongly billed please call the office before making any payment. We want to ensure that it is a correct billing amount before. Please call our office so we can assist you with this and all matters.
VERY IMPORTANT: As of 1/1/2024 all Blue Cross Medical patients in Contra Costa County have been disenrolled and enrolled in Contra Costa Health Plan, some with the correct PCP. Please call 877-661-6230 Option 2 to change to New Day Pediatrics ASAP in order for your care not to be interrupted.
Meet our team
Upated: 10/14/2022
- We have the flu and COVID vaccines available, please call the office for an appointment
Please let us know if you can not make your appointment. You will be charged a $20 no-show fee if your appointment is not canceled before 24 hours of the appointment